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Reading List

NOTE: You can get any book for free online on Library Genesis, Anna's Archive or Z-Library - and any scientific paper on Sci-Hub.

"Every bit of happiness in the world has to be created by diligent work and labour." - Xi Jinping

Read Philosophy first (alongside any history you are concerned about). Then once you understand those texts you can read whatever else in the list. You will get far more value out of the other texts once you understand philosophy better.

You need to ask why someone says something. Often there are allegories.


Dialectical and Historical Materialism - Stalin*
On Contradiction - Mao*
The Republic - Plato (read the Alain Badiou version)
Socialism Utopian and Scientific - Engels*
Introduction to the Lectures on History of Philosophy - Hegel
Prolegomena - Kant
[Critique of Pure Reason - Kant]
Science of Logic - Hegel
Phenomenology - Hegel
Philosophy of Right - Hegel
Critique of Philosophy of Right - Marx
Valences of the Dialectic - Jameson
Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism - Lenin
Theses on Feuerbach - Marx
German Ideology - Marx
Critique of the Gotha Programme - Marx
Materialism and Empirio-Criticism - Lenin
On the origin of the Family, Private Property and the State - Engels
[Identity Politics or Class Politics? + Identity Politics and the Transgender Trend - CPGB-ML]


Bees - Khalifman
Heredity and its variability - Lysenko
The Dialectical Biologist - Levins & Lewontin


Total Art of Stalinism - Groys


Why Socialism? - Albert Einstein
On Authority - Engels (only one page long)
Combat Liberalism - Mao (very short)
"Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder - Lenin
State and Revolution - Lenin
Anarchism or Socialism? - Stalin
What is to be done? - Lenin
Foundations of Leninism - Stalin
On organisation - Stalin
Marxism and the National Question - Stalin
National Minorities - Mao
[If British - The National Question in Scotland Lalkar - can be applied to any country with stupid petty-nationalists]
Trotskyism or Leninism? - Harpal Brar
Social Democracy - The Enemy Within - Harpal Brar
[If British - [Critique of] Britain's Road to Socialism? - CPGB-ML]


Wage Labour and Capital - Marx
Value Price and Profit - Marx
Political Economy: A Beginner's Course - Leontiev
Capital Vol. 1-3 - Marx
Imperialism - Lenin
Economic Problems of Socialism in the USSR - Stalin

History (no particular order here)

Imetatronink analysis on Ukraine war
All works by the Stalin Society
All works by Michael Parenti
All works by Prof. Grover Furr
The Civil War in France - Marx
Report back from Xinjiang - Aymeric Monville (very short)
God's Englishman: Oliver Cromwell and the English Revolution - Christopher Hill
Zionism: A Racist, Antisemitic and Reactionary Tool of Imperialism - CPGB-ML
Neo Nazi NATO's Proxy War on Russia - Shorter
Britain's Perfidious Labour Party - CPGB-ML
Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: A Foreigner's Guide - Roland Boer
Marxism and Socialism with Chinese Characteristics - Jim Huiming
Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China - Ezra Vogel
Revisionism and the Demise of the USSR - Harpal Brar
Perestroika the complete collapse of Revisionism - Harpal Brar
Documentary - Historical Nihilism and the fall of the USSR (find English subtitles if you don't speak Chinese)
Super Imperialism - Michael Hudson
Imperialism and War - Harpal Brar & Ella Rule
Imperialism in the Middle East - Harpal Brar
Farm to Factory - Allen
Ten lies about Israel - Pappe


Art of War - Sun Tzu
On War - Clausewitz


Bible (Matthew, Acts, Revelation are key)
How to debate the so-called Salafiyya
Wahhabism a critical essay - Algar
Haz Al-Din on religion and communism (INFRAMIG YouTube)

Fiction (read in any order only after reading the philosophy section)

How the steel was tempered - Ostrovsky
Utopia - Thomas Moore

*(return to this at the end also)